JUMP TODeveloper DashboardAuthenticationUnofficial Lemmy OpenAPI DocumentationSiteGets the site, and your user data.getCreate your site.postEdit your site.putBlock an instance.postMiscellaneousGet the modlog.getSearch lemmy.getFetch a non-local / federated object.getFetch federated instances.getCommunityGet / fetch a community.getCreate a new community.postEdit a community.putHide a community from public / "All" view. Admins only.putList communities, with various filters.getFollow / subscribe to a community.postBlock a community.postDelete a community.postA moderator remove for a community.postTransfer your community to an existing moderator.postBan a user from a community.postAdd a moderator to your community.postModPostGet / fetch a post.getEdit a post.putCreate a post.postGet / fetch posts, with various filters.getDelete a post.postA moderator remove for a post.postMark a post as read.postA moderator can lock a post ( IE disable new comments ).postA moderator can feature a community post ( IE stick it to the top of a community ).postLike / vote on a post.postSave a post.putReport a post.postResolve a post report. Only a mod can do this.putList post reports.getFetch metadata for any given site.getLike / vote on a comment.postCommentGet / fetch comment.getCreate a comment.postEdit a comment.putGet / fetch comments.getDelete a comment.postA moderator remove for a comment.postMark a comment as read.postDistinguishes a comment (speak as moderator)postSave a comment.putReport a comment.postResolve a comment report. Only a mod can do this.putList comment reports.getPrivateMessageEdit a private message.putCreate a private message.postGet / fetch private messages.getDelete a private message.postMark a private message as read.postCreate a report for a private message.postResolve a report for a private message.putList private message reports.getUserGet the details for a person.getRegister a new user.postFetch a Captcha.getGet mentions for your user.getMark a person mention as read.postGet comment replies.getBan a person from your site.postGet a list of banned usersgetBlock a person.postLog into lemmy.postDelete your account.postReset your password.postChange your password from an email / token based reset.postMark all replies as read.postSave your user settings.putChange your user password.putGet counts for your reportsgetGet your unread countsgetVerify your emailpostLeave the Site admins.postGenerate a TOTP / two-factor secret. Afterwards you need to call `/user/totp/update` with a valid token to enable it.postEnable / Disable TOTP / two-factor authentication. To enable, you need to first call `/user/totp/generate` and then pass a valid token to this. Disabling is only possible if 2FA was previously enabled. Again it is necessary to pass a valid token.postExport a backup of your user settings, including your saved content, followed communities, and blocks.getImport a backup of your user settings.postList login tokens for your usergetReturns an error message if your auth token is invalidget[MANUAL] Logout your user, which clears the cookie and invalidates the auth tokenpostAdminAdd an admin to your site.postGet the unread registration applications count.getList the registration applications.getApprove a registration applicationputPurge / Delete a person from the database.postPurge / Delete a community from the database.postPurge / Delete a post from the database.postPurge / Delete a comment from the database.postList a posts's likes. Admin-only.getList a comment's likes. Admin-only.getCustomEmojiEdit an existing custom emojiputCreate a new custom emojipostDelete a custom emojipostPowered by AuthenticationAuthLog in to see your API keysAPI KeyLabelLast UsedUpdated over 1 year ago